Anyway, it leads me into my subject. Recently ive been watching these shows on mediums who give readings. Im a complete skeptic and as Dr. Sheldon Cooper would say, "Its just a bunch of hokum!"
So I watch this lady and everywhere she goes, shopping mall, bowling alleys, McDonalds drive thrus she gets forced by the spirits to reach out and touch someone and let them know that their loved ones are here watching while they eat their big mac or try to pick up that 7-10 split. So Im sitting there and and I listen to her ask the questions like "Who here had a loved one die?" I know, very deep. Then follows up with other feeler type questions like, "Was this person suffering for awhile?" So it hits me, why these non specific questions? If my loved one is really coming through why not just say, Hey so and so is telling me to tell you hello? I dont like it when she does stuff like "Why is this person showing me a leash??" Then the baffled bystander is like OMG my mom loved taking her dog for a walk! You are some kind of wizard! No.. No maam! Id want to believe but come on, give me something more then that. Then when she does tell them something only they would know they dont ask questions! Which drives me nuts!
First thing out of my mouth would be, Ok be specific. What are you doing on the otherside? Are you watching me the whole time? If you do that kinda creeps me out especially if Im showering or sleeping. Is the whole Jesus and the holy spirit legitimate? If so, why are you not in heaven? If there is no heaven or hell what is it, just wandering around the earth finding these mediums and hoping they come across me so you can say hello? Can you tell me where those missing socks go in the dryer? Can you hook me up with some lottery numbers? Can you watch Warren Buffett behind closed doors and pass on to me some stock tips? Did you understand the ending to Lost? Have you seen Elvis? Are the dogs weve had up there too? Are you waiting to get reincarnated? Are we all in the Matrix? What do you do for fun?
I think thats why Id be terrible if I had those powers, Id ask real questions.. Yes yes, youre at peace thats great but I have a few questions. Ive dabbled in the possibility of going to see a medium here in Dallas just because I think no one can convince me and Id have to see for myself because if theres one thing I can spot from a mile away is bullshit. Its for that fact that Im curious. Plus I really wanna know if skipping out on church all these years will come back on me in the afterlife.