Toyota is leavin' every other truck company in the dust.. Literally! Can you say BATTLE TESTED, LIBYAN APPROVED?? I mean really people, every time I see a 50mm cannon being fired in the back of a truck by a Libyan freedom fighter its in a Toyota! Now my thought is, are the Toyota board members fist pounding or are they clutching their foreheads??
I mean on the one hand, youve got your competitors showing off their vehicles in the wilderness, traveling through shallow rivers and rocky terrain. Then on Toyota's side youve got Libyan rebels mounting their machine turrets in the back of a mid 80s model. What does that say? To me that says "Our shit was built to last suckas!" Battle tested SON!
I suppose on the other side you could say you dont want your product associated with what's going on over there but its like they say, theres no such thing as bad publicity.
I like Toyota's slogan though, its fitting. "Moving Forward.." Yeah, TO VICTORY!
Omg they found me, I dont know how but they found me.. Run for it Marty!!!
Who da think?? THE LIBYANS!
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