Ok so here's one of the few I found, at first I said I love my father dearly but do I wanna be placed side by side with him in the hereafter? I mean what if I can't find the remote or his favorite spoon? I gotta listen to him gripe at me throughout eternity?? No thanks.
Then I dug deeper, no pun intended and I found..
Not sure how I like this, the whole picture thing. Im picky about that sorta stuff and what if I dont like said picture, can I object at this point? No, I have to leave it in the hands of my surviving family whom I trust.. Sort of.
Nah I need something simpler but bold.. So I found..
Clear, concise, to the point! I even like the Font, its got a real Times Roman feel to it and thats always been my favorite, none of that Italic shit. Still its not quite perfect and Im real picky. So I checked around some more.
Ok.. Let me say this.
If my family springs for this and this alone Im haunting someone's house til the day they die! I mean really? Talk about forgettable.
Now this is more like it!
I prefer these because they obviously stand the test of time longer, they dont get caught up in overgrowing grass or weeds like place markers do. Not sure about the green lithograph in the middle but Ehhh to each his own.
Ive got plenty of time to think about this but for now I think Ill just stick to my original plan.. Just slap me into one of these and call it a day..
So, your question isn't about a head stone at all. It's about an ern, and epitaph. lol
ReplyDeleteJust hope your earn isn't all flowery.
For myself, I just hope I'll leave a life worth a great epitaph and be missed.