Growing up as a kid this guy and many others were at the top of their game in their respective "sport". Now Ill admit, back then you couldnt tell me or my buddies anything negative about wrestling. I wasn't havin' it. I had to figure it out on my own. I do believe the day I realized it wasn't all I thought it was was the time Ravishing Rick Rude and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts had a match and I couldnt watch. Next day I figured Id get the results of who won in the sports section of the LA Times.. Wanna take a guess how that went??
Regardless, I watched for a few years and was taken by all the persona's involved. Sadly, I think ive devoted a few hours of my life recently researching where all these guys from the past have been and what they are doing now.
Andre the Giant as everyone knows is dead, but if you dig deeper in the late 80's early 90's wrestling pit you find out there are alot of these guys pushing up daisies.
Earthquake? Dead, died of bladder cancer.
Dino Bravo? Dead, died of 17 gun shots to the head. Apparently he screwed over the Canadien mob. Who knew Canadiens had a mob?
Mr. Perfect? Dead, died of a overdose.
Ravishing Rick Rude? Dead, died of heart failure due to drug overdose.
Bad News Brown? Dead, died of a heart attack.
Bam Bam Bigelow? Dead, lethal dose of Cocaine.
Big Boss Man? Dead, Heart attack.
Hercules? (This was the guy who had a name but always lost.) Dead, Heart attack.
Road Warrior Hawk? Dead, Heart attack, died in his sleep.
British Bulldog? Dead, Heart attack.
Yokozuna? Dead, take a wild guess.
It was funny cause I was talking to some buddies and they were like, "Isnt the Ultimate Warrior dead??" Negativo!! The UW cannot be killed by conventional means, if he has a heart attack he'll attack his heart right back and go off the top ropes on that thing! Then power slam it back into rhythm!! (Ironically enough thats the Macho Man he's about to destroy.)
Anyway, I was legitimately saddened by Randy's passing cause he was probably my favorite wrestler next to the Warrior. I loved the OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and his mannerisms and to this day if you can pull off a good impression of the Macho Man you're gonna get a laugh. I don't watch wrestling anymore and I mock those who are my age and do so but still, there was a time. Nowadays to me they all look alike, they all use their real names but come to find out, The Undertaker is still in the game!!! Wow, that guy is a machine.
I suppose him being gone and a bunch of the others is just another small part of my childhood tucked away forever.
Father time had certainly caught up with Randy and he like many other wrestlers before him just had that old ticker of his give out. Now he had his attack behind the wheel and he was dead before they hit that tree but I was thankful to know that no one else was hurt and his wife for the most part is ok. His will stated that he wanted to be cremated with no funeral and have his ashes spread around his favorite tree where he spread his dogs ashes years before. Not quite what you'd expect but thats what the guy wanted.
Maybe the preacher who predicted the end of the world was right, the rapture came and went like a thief in the night and claimed Macho Madness for heaven.. Heh..