You sir have been a pop culture icon for decades. Bodybuilding Legend.. Action Movie Star.. Bad Politician.. And now Adulterer extraordinaire!! I have read the details and man, how you slept at night is amazing. This lady worked for Maria and Arnold for 20 years! Im just curious how all of a sudden he decided to come clean. I heard this maid would bring this kid over and play with the other kids back in the day. Did Maria notice a familiarity? Was he ripped and with a big gap between his teeth and dropped an occasional bad movie line every now and then?
I can imagine the Schwarzenegger clanned gathered around singing songs in the governors mansion, the pitter patter of bastard children's feet up and down the hall..
What gets me is he kept this secret for over a decade and this Maid stayed quiet, I mean kept it on the down low so you know he was cuttin' her a fat check every month. A little hush money ya know.. So I imagine whether or not Maria was in the room, if her eyes weren't trained on him they would share a glance or a look and just smirk to themselves. Personally I see Arnold making this face every time Maria had her back to him and he made eye contact with said Staffer.. How was he not thinking "You Eeeeediot!"?
Yes now comes the real hard part for him and he is going to get killed by the media, they may in fact try to terminate him.... HEH.. But ya know I give him props for manning up and saying leave my family alone, it was my bad and yes Im in the wrong. Thats not so easy for one with an ego as big as his. Personally I think its a european thing, they have a differently mentality when it comes to this sort of thing. Plus when you looked like this back in the day and had women galore throwing themselves at you, how do you not build up that sense of "I can have anyone and get away with whatever I want."?
I mean is that not ridiculous? When youre like this do you really think about anyone else? This takes a focus and a level of narcissism that cant be measured and not even a Kennedy could reel that in forever.
Im just glad he had a boy and not a girl with this woman..
Can you imagine?
Have a baby by me and be a millionaire! LOL