Ok well you've been watching the news, reading your facebook and tweets about the goings ons in our nation.. I see people are outraged and pissed at the police for using pepper spray tactics and other removal methods to clear the way. Im on the fence people.. I dont want anyone killed or seriously hurt to that matter but if some hippy is in the street protesting their financial stance in life or some other government department but are blocking my path to work or another place I gotta be I may be inclined to floor it and plow right into em.. I mean seriously. These UC Davis kids for example, what exactly are they protesting? Ive searched online and all I can find is they are protesting for the Chancellor to resign AFTER the Pepper Spray incident so WTF were they protesting prior?? Seriously, I dont know. Ok, so there they sit, arm in arm. Most of them probably skipping class wasting grant money but thats just a theory. Anyway, it clearly states (And I read this) It is prohibited to camp out on school grounds. Ok thats a law.. I saw the cops try to lift them and remove them peacefully, they didnt budge. Ok so at this point what is Johnny Law supposed to do? Ask them nicely, pretty please with sugar on top??? Let me make this clear, I have my own personal feelings towards officers of the god damn law on my own experiences and even though I dont like them I respect their authority! (That was my Cartman impression..) I do.. I dont like it but if I know im doing something illegal (which all these UC Davis idiots know) and an officer asks me to disperse or to move. Yeah, im gonna move. I dont believe half these morons on wallstreet, Oakland or whatever school campus know exactly what their doing. They're just doing it cause its an excuse, an excuse to fuck off and not do what you're supposed to. Reminds me of some 'Walk outs' we had at high school over teachers salaries and other stuff I don't even remember. We all walked out.. Why? Did we really care? Not really but if we didnt have to go over the mundane study plan of the day of what makes the Great Gatsby great, we were walking out. No I dont pity these protestors and it leaves me with the question, what is law enforcement supposed to do?
I am all about having a difference of opinion and making your voice heard but when you start screwing with the average joe who does in fact work, who has a family to feed and isnt living on mommy and daddy's coin then I have an issue.
I understand its every American's constitutional right to protest, yeah I get that. Just don't cry about it and start a smear campaign when you break the law doing so and get dealt with accordingly. Yes they pepper sprayed them.. Boo hoo! Next time they taze em..
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Why Boston is NOT on my bucket list of places to go..
I know what you're saying, Why Not David? Its a great city with a rich historical culture heavily inclined in the creation of this great nation... Well thats great, Ya know what I think of when I think of Boston? Everything Ive seen in pop culture and TV. I mean what if Im in Boston and I go to a local pub and order my beloved cranberry juice??

I guess Ill be forced to defend myself when some putz reference's his GF's period...
Or what if Im there and I need to make a quick withdrawal from the bank and I walk out and see this shit?

WTF do I do then? Oh I know, Im exaggerating.. Really, can you think of a movie thats positive that has to do with this region? I mean I can see me going there, and having something like this happen and me being all traumatized and needing someone to talk to about my feelings.. Cause you know, its not my fault..

Then again, do I wanna be choked by my therapist while he tells me "I will end you!" Ill pass. I like traveling and all and I like to take my kids when its possible but I love my children and they are my life and heaven forbid anything happen to them but if they go missing in Boston do I really wanna hire a Casey Afflect type to find them?

Maybe im being to hard on the city of Boston, I suppose Im being ignorant because you obviously cant go by a few movies and national rumors towards a city. There are positive stories ofcourse.

This was a positive story right? Brother with a promising boxing career loses it all cause of his herion addiction, trains his younger brother who becomes the feel good story of the boxing world and makes a nice living doing so. Nevermind the sisters and mother being depicted as complete wackos..

Im sure they were all really nice people.
You could be saying to yourself that all the observations and examples Im using could be thrown at NY and I disagree, for every bad one I can throw in..

Ya ever seen this movie? Everytime I watch it I wanna just go to NY, find a book store and stay there all day and email.. Plus it paints the city in a positive way and to be honest, Ive experienced that and it truly is a cool city. Sure I didnt go to the projects or anything but where are the Boston love stories? When I think about that city, I think tough guys. I think gangsters and rough streets. I think that the 10 year olds there have a toughness behind them that would rival my own. When I think of all this I cant believe these guys hailed from Beantown..

Maybe they had, the Right stuff..
I guess Ill be forced to defend myself when some putz reference's his GF's period...
Or what if Im there and I need to make a quick withdrawal from the bank and I walk out and see this shit?
WTF do I do then? Oh I know, Im exaggerating.. Really, can you think of a movie thats positive that has to do with this region? I mean I can see me going there, and having something like this happen and me being all traumatized and needing someone to talk to about my feelings.. Cause you know, its not my fault..
Then again, do I wanna be choked by my therapist while he tells me "I will end you!" Ill pass. I like traveling and all and I like to take my kids when its possible but I love my children and they are my life and heaven forbid anything happen to them but if they go missing in Boston do I really wanna hire a Casey Afflect type to find them?
Maybe im being to hard on the city of Boston, I suppose Im being ignorant because you obviously cant go by a few movies and national rumors towards a city. There are positive stories ofcourse.
This was a positive story right? Brother with a promising boxing career loses it all cause of his herion addiction, trains his younger brother who becomes the feel good story of the boxing world and makes a nice living doing so. Nevermind the sisters and mother being depicted as complete wackos..
Im sure they were all really nice people.
You could be saying to yourself that all the observations and examples Im using could be thrown at NY and I disagree, for every bad one I can throw in..
Ya ever seen this movie? Everytime I watch it I wanna just go to NY, find a book store and stay there all day and email.. Plus it paints the city in a positive way and to be honest, Ive experienced that and it truly is a cool city. Sure I didnt go to the projects or anything but where are the Boston love stories? When I think about that city, I think tough guys. I think gangsters and rough streets. I think that the 10 year olds there have a toughness behind them that would rival my own. When I think of all this I cant believe these guys hailed from Beantown..
Maybe they had, the Right stuff..
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Lately its just been one thing after another..
I dont know if it's the time of year or just a series of unfortunate events that puts me in a spin of not liking the state of things. Not talking about my life but life in general. The country, the world.. ETC.. Whether its sports, politics or reality TV.. It all leaves a sour taste in my mouth.. Allow me to divulge for a moment..
At the top of my laundry list of things that make me mad.. The Texas Rangers and the way Baseball managing goes. I wont dive into the in's and out's of baseball but its game 6. Your closer blows it, yes I understand but lets remember he was going through the heart of that line up. Ok, Josh Hamilton hits a two run shot in the top of the tenth to take the lead. WOOHOO right? Wrong, instead Ron Washington does the typical baseball manager thing and instead of sending out Feliz to the 10th to try again because heaven forbid ya overwork a guy in the world series, no.. Instead of facing the lesser talent of the line up he sends out 40 year old Darren Oliver to win it.. Why? Because managers like to do this thing where they play percentages rather than saying "Hey this Dominican can throw 100 MPH when he's good and loosened up..." Nah lets send out the old man to blow it because he's a lefty and I feel good about him... 24 hours later you're the Buffalo Bills of Baseball.. Ya know what, I let it go the day after. I didnt watch game 7 even though people tried to make me, I was like nope. Its over ive seen enough and I was right. That's That.
On to Wall Street, Ill be short on this one. All these hippies out there protesting Wall Street and crying for a lesser money driven country crack me up. Ive actually listened to interviews with these clowns about how we should all just share in common goods and money and wall street fat cats are a major problem in this country and we are to greedy in our wants for possessions.. Oh really? 95% of these assclowns are out there shouting this and that while texting and playing on their IPads!!! Guess what idiots! You are consumers, you are the ones paying 600 bucks for an IPad and 400 for an Iphone and whatever other electronic product YOU bought. The only difference between you and me though is I have those things but dont complain about it, I work.. I spend. Thats how it goes. Bottomline is all this time spent on the street in your tents could of been time looking for work and doing more productive things with your life.
Kim Kardashian.. First let me say if you need someone to talk to in your time of despair and need. Im here for you. :) Just ask questions and let her do all the talking, right fellas? Anyway, what a train wreck this broad is, right? Wrong! Let me tell you something boys and girls, that is one of the most business savy women in the world when it comes to marketing your image and your looks. Read up on it folks, she made a cool 10 million off that wedding, she didnt pay for it at all and sold the rights of photography and filming to magazines and entertainment TV. Its annoying and disgusting when you think about it though, I mean making theatre out of something like marriage and love is done in bad taste but its the world we live in. Is it good TV? No, I find it annoying but it gets ratings for whatever reason just like dancing with the stars. I mean do you really thing Chaz Bono was a better dancer than that Kristi Cavallari chick? No but people watch for the same reason they look at car accidents and crime scenes. Morbid curiousity..
Last but not least.. Fantasy Football.. I was recently told that I shouldnt mind my recent losing streak because, "We are doing it for fun..." Let me tell you something as a man.. We do not play fantasy football for fun.. Whatever guy says that is either lying or trying to be the next storyline on a Miller Lite MAN UP commercial.. We play for the prestige of being the best, the money involved and bragging rights all offseason. Fun? So, getting to my gripe. IN the future if I join a league and I see that commish sets it up where you get a point for receptions im going to have a problem because a RB who gets 5 catches for 0 yards (Which is totally possible) gets 5 points should not get the same amount of points as a WR with 1 catch for 49 yards. No its not a conspiracy against me ( I see that now) and certainly no one is cheating (not a chance). Im just saying mediocre play by a player shouldnt be rewarded. Unfortunately Im in a HAVING FUN league rather than a logical one. Its all good, Ive learned my lesson and have let it go after a comforting bowl of Pho Noodles at lunch today.
Im a lock for the 1st pick in the draft next year.. So I got that going for me.
At the top of my laundry list of things that make me mad.. The Texas Rangers and the way Baseball managing goes. I wont dive into the in's and out's of baseball but its game 6. Your closer blows it, yes I understand but lets remember he was going through the heart of that line up. Ok, Josh Hamilton hits a two run shot in the top of the tenth to take the lead. WOOHOO right? Wrong, instead Ron Washington does the typical baseball manager thing and instead of sending out Feliz to the 10th to try again because heaven forbid ya overwork a guy in the world series, no.. Instead of facing the lesser talent of the line up he sends out 40 year old Darren Oliver to win it.. Why? Because managers like to do this thing where they play percentages rather than saying "Hey this Dominican can throw 100 MPH when he's good and loosened up..." Nah lets send out the old man to blow it because he's a lefty and I feel good about him... 24 hours later you're the Buffalo Bills of Baseball.. Ya know what, I let it go the day after. I didnt watch game 7 even though people tried to make me, I was like nope. Its over ive seen enough and I was right. That's That.
On to Wall Street, Ill be short on this one. All these hippies out there protesting Wall Street and crying for a lesser money driven country crack me up. Ive actually listened to interviews with these clowns about how we should all just share in common goods and money and wall street fat cats are a major problem in this country and we are to greedy in our wants for possessions.. Oh really? 95% of these assclowns are out there shouting this and that while texting and playing on their IPads!!! Guess what idiots! You are consumers, you are the ones paying 600 bucks for an IPad and 400 for an Iphone and whatever other electronic product YOU bought. The only difference between you and me though is I have those things but dont complain about it, I work.. I spend. Thats how it goes. Bottomline is all this time spent on the street in your tents could of been time looking for work and doing more productive things with your life.
Kim Kardashian.. First let me say if you need someone to talk to in your time of despair and need. Im here for you. :) Just ask questions and let her do all the talking, right fellas? Anyway, what a train wreck this broad is, right? Wrong! Let me tell you something boys and girls, that is one of the most business savy women in the world when it comes to marketing your image and your looks. Read up on it folks, she made a cool 10 million off that wedding, she didnt pay for it at all and sold the rights of photography and filming to magazines and entertainment TV. Its annoying and disgusting when you think about it though, I mean making theatre out of something like marriage and love is done in bad taste but its the world we live in. Is it good TV? No, I find it annoying but it gets ratings for whatever reason just like dancing with the stars. I mean do you really thing Chaz Bono was a better dancer than that Kristi Cavallari chick? No but people watch for the same reason they look at car accidents and crime scenes. Morbid curiousity..
Last but not least.. Fantasy Football.. I was recently told that I shouldnt mind my recent losing streak because, "We are doing it for fun..." Let me tell you something as a man.. We do not play fantasy football for fun.. Whatever guy says that is either lying or trying to be the next storyline on a Miller Lite MAN UP commercial.. We play for the prestige of being the best, the money involved and bragging rights all offseason. Fun? So, getting to my gripe. IN the future if I join a league and I see that commish sets it up where you get a point for receptions im going to have a problem because a RB who gets 5 catches for 0 yards (Which is totally possible) gets 5 points should not get the same amount of points as a WR with 1 catch for 49 yards. No its not a conspiracy against me ( I see that now) and certainly no one is cheating (not a chance). Im just saying mediocre play by a player shouldnt be rewarded. Unfortunately Im in a HAVING FUN league rather than a logical one. Its all good, Ive learned my lesson and have let it go after a comforting bowl of Pho Noodles at lunch today.
Im a lock for the 1st pick in the draft next year.. So I got that going for me.
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