I guess Ill be forced to defend myself when some putz reference's his GF's period...
Or what if Im there and I need to make a quick withdrawal from the bank and I walk out and see this shit?
WTF do I do then? Oh I know, Im exaggerating.. Really, can you think of a movie thats positive that has to do with this region? I mean I can see me going there, and having something like this happen and me being all traumatized and needing someone to talk to about my feelings.. Cause you know, its not my fault..
Then again, do I wanna be choked by my therapist while he tells me "I will end you!" Ill pass. I like traveling and all and I like to take my kids when its possible but I love my children and they are my life and heaven forbid anything happen to them but if they go missing in Boston do I really wanna hire a Casey Afflect type to find them?
Maybe im being to hard on the city of Boston, I suppose Im being ignorant because you obviously cant go by a few movies and national rumors towards a city. There are positive stories ofcourse.
This was a positive story right? Brother with a promising boxing career loses it all cause of his herion addiction, trains his younger brother who becomes the feel good story of the boxing world and makes a nice living doing so. Nevermind the sisters and mother being depicted as complete wackos..
Im sure they were all really nice people.
You could be saying to yourself that all the observations and examples Im using could be thrown at NY and I disagree, for every bad one I can throw in..
Ya ever seen this movie? Everytime I watch it I wanna just go to NY, find a book store and stay there all day and email.. Plus it paints the city in a positive way and to be honest, Ive experienced that and it truly is a cool city. Sure I didnt go to the projects or anything but where are the Boston love stories? When I think about that city, I think tough guys. I think gangsters and rough streets. I think that the 10 year olds there have a toughness behind them that would rival my own. When I think of all this I cant believe these guys hailed from Beantown..
Maybe they had, the Right stuff..
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