Ok well you've been watching the news, reading your facebook and tweets about the goings ons in our nation.. I see people are outraged and pissed at the police for using pepper spray tactics and other removal methods to clear the way. Im on the fence people.. I dont want anyone killed or seriously hurt to that matter but if some hippy is in the street protesting their financial stance in life or some other government department but are blocking my path to work or another place I gotta be I may be inclined to floor it and plow right into em.. I mean seriously. These UC Davis kids for example, what exactly are they protesting? Ive searched online and all I can find is they are protesting for the Chancellor to resign AFTER the Pepper Spray incident so WTF were they protesting prior?? Seriously, I dont know. Ok, so there they sit, arm in arm. Most of them probably skipping class wasting grant money but thats just a theory. Anyway, it clearly states (And I read this) It is prohibited to camp out on school grounds. Ok thats a law.. I saw the cops try to lift them and remove them peacefully, they didnt budge. Ok so at this point what is Johnny Law supposed to do? Ask them nicely, pretty please with sugar on top??? Let me make this clear, I have my own personal feelings towards officers of the god damn law on my own experiences and even though I dont like them I respect their authority! (That was my Cartman impression..) I do.. I dont like it but if I know im doing something illegal (which all these UC Davis idiots know) and an officer asks me to disperse or to move. Yeah, im gonna move. I dont believe half these morons on wallstreet, Oakland or whatever school campus know exactly what their doing. They're just doing it cause its an excuse, an excuse to fuck off and not do what you're supposed to. Reminds me of some 'Walk outs' we had at high school over teachers salaries and other stuff I don't even remember. We all walked out.. Why? Did we really care? Not really but if we didnt have to go over the mundane study plan of the day of what makes the Great Gatsby great, we were walking out. No I dont pity these protestors and it leaves me with the question, what is law enforcement supposed to do?
I am all about having a difference of opinion and making your voice heard but when you start screwing with the average joe who does in fact work, who has a family to feed and isnt living on mommy and daddy's coin then I have an issue.
I understand its every American's constitutional right to protest, yeah I get that. Just don't cry about it and start a smear campaign when you break the law doing so and get dealt with accordingly. Yes they pepper sprayed them.. Boo hoo! Next time they taze em..
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Why Boston is NOT on my bucket list of places to go..
I know what you're saying, Why Not David? Its a great city with a rich historical culture heavily inclined in the creation of this great nation... Well thats great, Ya know what I think of when I think of Boston? Everything Ive seen in pop culture and TV. I mean what if Im in Boston and I go to a local pub and order my beloved cranberry juice??

I guess Ill be forced to defend myself when some putz reference's his GF's period...
Or what if Im there and I need to make a quick withdrawal from the bank and I walk out and see this shit?

WTF do I do then? Oh I know, Im exaggerating.. Really, can you think of a movie thats positive that has to do with this region? I mean I can see me going there, and having something like this happen and me being all traumatized and needing someone to talk to about my feelings.. Cause you know, its not my fault..

Then again, do I wanna be choked by my therapist while he tells me "I will end you!" Ill pass. I like traveling and all and I like to take my kids when its possible but I love my children and they are my life and heaven forbid anything happen to them but if they go missing in Boston do I really wanna hire a Casey Afflect type to find them?

Maybe im being to hard on the city of Boston, I suppose Im being ignorant because you obviously cant go by a few movies and national rumors towards a city. There are positive stories ofcourse.

This was a positive story right? Brother with a promising boxing career loses it all cause of his herion addiction, trains his younger brother who becomes the feel good story of the boxing world and makes a nice living doing so. Nevermind the sisters and mother being depicted as complete wackos..

Im sure they were all really nice people.
You could be saying to yourself that all the observations and examples Im using could be thrown at NY and I disagree, for every bad one I can throw in..

Ya ever seen this movie? Everytime I watch it I wanna just go to NY, find a book store and stay there all day and email.. Plus it paints the city in a positive way and to be honest, Ive experienced that and it truly is a cool city. Sure I didnt go to the projects or anything but where are the Boston love stories? When I think about that city, I think tough guys. I think gangsters and rough streets. I think that the 10 year olds there have a toughness behind them that would rival my own. When I think of all this I cant believe these guys hailed from Beantown..

Maybe they had, the Right stuff..
I guess Ill be forced to defend myself when some putz reference's his GF's period...
Or what if Im there and I need to make a quick withdrawal from the bank and I walk out and see this shit?
WTF do I do then? Oh I know, Im exaggerating.. Really, can you think of a movie thats positive that has to do with this region? I mean I can see me going there, and having something like this happen and me being all traumatized and needing someone to talk to about my feelings.. Cause you know, its not my fault..
Then again, do I wanna be choked by my therapist while he tells me "I will end you!" Ill pass. I like traveling and all and I like to take my kids when its possible but I love my children and they are my life and heaven forbid anything happen to them but if they go missing in Boston do I really wanna hire a Casey Afflect type to find them?
Maybe im being to hard on the city of Boston, I suppose Im being ignorant because you obviously cant go by a few movies and national rumors towards a city. There are positive stories ofcourse.
This was a positive story right? Brother with a promising boxing career loses it all cause of his herion addiction, trains his younger brother who becomes the feel good story of the boxing world and makes a nice living doing so. Nevermind the sisters and mother being depicted as complete wackos..
Im sure they were all really nice people.
You could be saying to yourself that all the observations and examples Im using could be thrown at NY and I disagree, for every bad one I can throw in..
Ya ever seen this movie? Everytime I watch it I wanna just go to NY, find a book store and stay there all day and email.. Plus it paints the city in a positive way and to be honest, Ive experienced that and it truly is a cool city. Sure I didnt go to the projects or anything but where are the Boston love stories? When I think about that city, I think tough guys. I think gangsters and rough streets. I think that the 10 year olds there have a toughness behind them that would rival my own. When I think of all this I cant believe these guys hailed from Beantown..
Maybe they had, the Right stuff..
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Lately its just been one thing after another..
I dont know if it's the time of year or just a series of unfortunate events that puts me in a spin of not liking the state of things. Not talking about my life but life in general. The country, the world.. ETC.. Whether its sports, politics or reality TV.. It all leaves a sour taste in my mouth.. Allow me to divulge for a moment..
At the top of my laundry list of things that make me mad.. The Texas Rangers and the way Baseball managing goes. I wont dive into the in's and out's of baseball but its game 6. Your closer blows it, yes I understand but lets remember he was going through the heart of that line up. Ok, Josh Hamilton hits a two run shot in the top of the tenth to take the lead. WOOHOO right? Wrong, instead Ron Washington does the typical baseball manager thing and instead of sending out Feliz to the 10th to try again because heaven forbid ya overwork a guy in the world series, no.. Instead of facing the lesser talent of the line up he sends out 40 year old Darren Oliver to win it.. Why? Because managers like to do this thing where they play percentages rather than saying "Hey this Dominican can throw 100 MPH when he's good and loosened up..." Nah lets send out the old man to blow it because he's a lefty and I feel good about him... 24 hours later you're the Buffalo Bills of Baseball.. Ya know what, I let it go the day after. I didnt watch game 7 even though people tried to make me, I was like nope. Its over ive seen enough and I was right. That's That.
On to Wall Street, Ill be short on this one. All these hippies out there protesting Wall Street and crying for a lesser money driven country crack me up. Ive actually listened to interviews with these clowns about how we should all just share in common goods and money and wall street fat cats are a major problem in this country and we are to greedy in our wants for possessions.. Oh really? 95% of these assclowns are out there shouting this and that while texting and playing on their IPads!!! Guess what idiots! You are consumers, you are the ones paying 600 bucks for an IPad and 400 for an Iphone and whatever other electronic product YOU bought. The only difference between you and me though is I have those things but dont complain about it, I work.. I spend. Thats how it goes. Bottomline is all this time spent on the street in your tents could of been time looking for work and doing more productive things with your life.
Kim Kardashian.. First let me say if you need someone to talk to in your time of despair and need. Im here for you. :) Just ask questions and let her do all the talking, right fellas? Anyway, what a train wreck this broad is, right? Wrong! Let me tell you something boys and girls, that is one of the most business savy women in the world when it comes to marketing your image and your looks. Read up on it folks, she made a cool 10 million off that wedding, she didnt pay for it at all and sold the rights of photography and filming to magazines and entertainment TV. Its annoying and disgusting when you think about it though, I mean making theatre out of something like marriage and love is done in bad taste but its the world we live in. Is it good TV? No, I find it annoying but it gets ratings for whatever reason just like dancing with the stars. I mean do you really thing Chaz Bono was a better dancer than that Kristi Cavallari chick? No but people watch for the same reason they look at car accidents and crime scenes. Morbid curiousity..
Last but not least.. Fantasy Football.. I was recently told that I shouldnt mind my recent losing streak because, "We are doing it for fun..." Let me tell you something as a man.. We do not play fantasy football for fun.. Whatever guy says that is either lying or trying to be the next storyline on a Miller Lite MAN UP commercial.. We play for the prestige of being the best, the money involved and bragging rights all offseason. Fun? So, getting to my gripe. IN the future if I join a league and I see that commish sets it up where you get a point for receptions im going to have a problem because a RB who gets 5 catches for 0 yards (Which is totally possible) gets 5 points should not get the same amount of points as a WR with 1 catch for 49 yards. No its not a conspiracy against me ( I see that now) and certainly no one is cheating (not a chance). Im just saying mediocre play by a player shouldnt be rewarded. Unfortunately Im in a HAVING FUN league rather than a logical one. Its all good, Ive learned my lesson and have let it go after a comforting bowl of Pho Noodles at lunch today.
Im a lock for the 1st pick in the draft next year.. So I got that going for me.
At the top of my laundry list of things that make me mad.. The Texas Rangers and the way Baseball managing goes. I wont dive into the in's and out's of baseball but its game 6. Your closer blows it, yes I understand but lets remember he was going through the heart of that line up. Ok, Josh Hamilton hits a two run shot in the top of the tenth to take the lead. WOOHOO right? Wrong, instead Ron Washington does the typical baseball manager thing and instead of sending out Feliz to the 10th to try again because heaven forbid ya overwork a guy in the world series, no.. Instead of facing the lesser talent of the line up he sends out 40 year old Darren Oliver to win it.. Why? Because managers like to do this thing where they play percentages rather than saying "Hey this Dominican can throw 100 MPH when he's good and loosened up..." Nah lets send out the old man to blow it because he's a lefty and I feel good about him... 24 hours later you're the Buffalo Bills of Baseball.. Ya know what, I let it go the day after. I didnt watch game 7 even though people tried to make me, I was like nope. Its over ive seen enough and I was right. That's That.
On to Wall Street, Ill be short on this one. All these hippies out there protesting Wall Street and crying for a lesser money driven country crack me up. Ive actually listened to interviews with these clowns about how we should all just share in common goods and money and wall street fat cats are a major problem in this country and we are to greedy in our wants for possessions.. Oh really? 95% of these assclowns are out there shouting this and that while texting and playing on their IPads!!! Guess what idiots! You are consumers, you are the ones paying 600 bucks for an IPad and 400 for an Iphone and whatever other electronic product YOU bought. The only difference between you and me though is I have those things but dont complain about it, I work.. I spend. Thats how it goes. Bottomline is all this time spent on the street in your tents could of been time looking for work and doing more productive things with your life.
Kim Kardashian.. First let me say if you need someone to talk to in your time of despair and need. Im here for you. :) Just ask questions and let her do all the talking, right fellas? Anyway, what a train wreck this broad is, right? Wrong! Let me tell you something boys and girls, that is one of the most business savy women in the world when it comes to marketing your image and your looks. Read up on it folks, she made a cool 10 million off that wedding, she didnt pay for it at all and sold the rights of photography and filming to magazines and entertainment TV. Its annoying and disgusting when you think about it though, I mean making theatre out of something like marriage and love is done in bad taste but its the world we live in. Is it good TV? No, I find it annoying but it gets ratings for whatever reason just like dancing with the stars. I mean do you really thing Chaz Bono was a better dancer than that Kristi Cavallari chick? No but people watch for the same reason they look at car accidents and crime scenes. Morbid curiousity..
Last but not least.. Fantasy Football.. I was recently told that I shouldnt mind my recent losing streak because, "We are doing it for fun..." Let me tell you something as a man.. We do not play fantasy football for fun.. Whatever guy says that is either lying or trying to be the next storyline on a Miller Lite MAN UP commercial.. We play for the prestige of being the best, the money involved and bragging rights all offseason. Fun? So, getting to my gripe. IN the future if I join a league and I see that commish sets it up where you get a point for receptions im going to have a problem because a RB who gets 5 catches for 0 yards (Which is totally possible) gets 5 points should not get the same amount of points as a WR with 1 catch for 49 yards. No its not a conspiracy against me ( I see that now) and certainly no one is cheating (not a chance). Im just saying mediocre play by a player shouldnt be rewarded. Unfortunately Im in a HAVING FUN league rather than a logical one. Its all good, Ive learned my lesson and have let it go after a comforting bowl of Pho Noodles at lunch today.
Im a lock for the 1st pick in the draft next year.. So I got that going for me.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Having writers block..
Been a long time... Ive had writer's block and its almost funny because Im not a writer. Usually Ill just have a topic at the time that hits me and Ill blog about it but I think facebook has been stealing my thunder. Instead of blogging it Ill just slap a quick tidbit about it in there and let it run. Im still watching a ridiculous amount of movies and television shows and have my views on all of them. For instance, just saw Real Steel. Good feel good movie, not exactly what I was expecting but the family enjoyed. Ill keep it short.
Remember this gem from the 80's?

Fast forward to today..

Its pretty much the same movie only its Robots fighting and not arm wrestling. Had the credits rolled with Kenny Loggins singing "Meet me halfway." It would of completed the circle.
Let me tell ya about another film I watched on my own because honestly, no one would sit through this but me. I feel if a film is bad and people say its bad I have to see for myself.
The Beaver...

I was interested mostly due to the fall out Mel has had recently due to his ex wife recording all their phone conversations. Maybe its me but I had a soft spot in my heart for him so I dont hate on the guy like everyone else. I mean.. He was Mad Max.. That alone gives him a reprieve in my eyes. Anyway, in this movie he's a depressed man with marital problems and a failing company. Wife kicks him out (Jodie Foster) and he attempts to kill himself but fails.. He wakes up in a stupor and sees a beaver puppet in a trash bin and takes on a persona of the Beaver and the beautiful part is when the beaver speaks its Mel's full on Aussie accent. Through this friggin sock on his arm he rebuilds his marriage, business and relationship with his younger son. Im in bed watching this saying to myself, "I gotta go out and buy a puppet right now! It'll completely change my life!!" I can't do a aussie accent and a beaver isnt my style.

Probably a bull would work best for me but enough of that. Anyway he goes out in public with this thing on, tells his wife a shrink assigned it to him as an in home therapuetic tool. I mean, theres a scene with him, jodie foster and the beaver in the shower... The shower! And shes totally fine with it, HA I wonder why! Not that there's anything wrong with that, just saying I found it funny. (Never mind this puppet on my arm while I make passionate love to you.. In the shower..)

So the marriage is rebuilt, and the company somehow is saved because he puts out a beaver product and it works until... People start to see its not a joke with this puppet thing, Mel believes the beaver is real. Its his buddy, its his little pal and no one is gonna tell him he's not real!
There comes a point where the wife is like ok, youre good now.. Ditch the Muppet.. Long story short, he has a psychotic break and enter the band saw!
Good stuff. I watched this with an open mind and I felt it was a therapuetic role for ole Mel. We've all had our down and outs and so do celebrities. It was a strange story indeed but the underlying theme was agreeable.
Im googling a puppet for me now.. Can you believe this little guy here in $650 bucks?
Remember this gem from the 80's?
Fast forward to today..
Its pretty much the same movie only its Robots fighting and not arm wrestling. Had the credits rolled with Kenny Loggins singing "Meet me halfway." It would of completed the circle.
Let me tell ya about another film I watched on my own because honestly, no one would sit through this but me. I feel if a film is bad and people say its bad I have to see for myself.
The Beaver...
I was interested mostly due to the fall out Mel has had recently due to his ex wife recording all their phone conversations. Maybe its me but I had a soft spot in my heart for him so I dont hate on the guy like everyone else. I mean.. He was Mad Max.. That alone gives him a reprieve in my eyes. Anyway, in this movie he's a depressed man with marital problems and a failing company. Wife kicks him out (Jodie Foster) and he attempts to kill himself but fails.. He wakes up in a stupor and sees a beaver puppet in a trash bin and takes on a persona of the Beaver and the beautiful part is when the beaver speaks its Mel's full on Aussie accent. Through this friggin sock on his arm he rebuilds his marriage, business and relationship with his younger son. Im in bed watching this saying to myself, "I gotta go out and buy a puppet right now! It'll completely change my life!!" I can't do a aussie accent and a beaver isnt my style.

Probably a bull would work best for me but enough of that. Anyway he goes out in public with this thing on, tells his wife a shrink assigned it to him as an in home therapuetic tool. I mean, theres a scene with him, jodie foster and the beaver in the shower... The shower! And shes totally fine with it, HA I wonder why! Not that there's anything wrong with that, just saying I found it funny. (Never mind this puppet on my arm while I make passionate love to you.. In the shower..)
So the marriage is rebuilt, and the company somehow is saved because he puts out a beaver product and it works until... People start to see its not a joke with this puppet thing, Mel believes the beaver is real. Its his buddy, its his little pal and no one is gonna tell him he's not real!
There comes a point where the wife is like ok, youre good now.. Ditch the Muppet.. Long story short, he has a psychotic break and enter the band saw!
Good stuff. I watched this with an open mind and I felt it was a therapuetic role for ole Mel. We've all had our down and outs and so do celebrities. It was a strange story indeed but the underlying theme was agreeable.
Im googling a puppet for me now.. Can you believe this little guy here in $650 bucks?
Friday, June 24, 2011
To the Vato-Mobile!!
Recently we've had a string of comic book heroes tales translated into the big screen. Thor, X-Men, Green Lantern and the upcoming Captain America. Being the comic book junkie I am it hit me, what do all these characters have in common? Super powers? Capes? Bad ass gadgetry? Nope thats to easy.. All these dudes fit the profile for Hitler's master race! Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and muscalar.. Im done, where the Latino heroes at?? Lets explore the last few decades or so to see where Marvel and DC have gone with this demographic.. I mean hell, they even did a Steel movie with Shaq..
Lets start with this dude.. El Dorado.. Any of you remember this guy from the Justice League days of the 80s?
He had the bad accent, looks like Ponch from Chips and unlike other Justice League members who had episodes devoted to their backstories this guy was just kinda there and there was never an explanation of who he was, what he could do and how he came to be. Shady?

There's this guy Tarantula from the Marvel universe who is a bad guy in the Spiderman world, powers comparable to Spiderman but this dude had knives on him (Imagine that, a latino having a knife on his person) and a really thick accent. Im betting most of you dont ever remember this guy, do you get where Im going? Lets move on shall we?
Im gonna move on to probably the most well known Latino character (cause he's not really a hero) in Comics.

BANE! An absolute badass of a villian and I like the respect he gets that he's not all braun, he is on Batman's level intellectually. He is actually the main villian in Christopher Nolan's final chapter in the newly rebooted Batman series starring Cristian Bale. As long as we dont go back to Joel Schumacher's version of the character Ill be happy.

See though, that kinda makes my point. Take what I described above and then forget about it. Mr. Schumacher thought it was to unrealistic to have a latino villian who wasn't a complete buffoon and actually carry on a conversation with our hero George Clooney aka Batman.. Total disrespect..
Ive scanned the internet and the list of characters are so obscure and so random that its not even worth diving into further. It just seems like its a big joke.

See what I mean? This was a real dude..
Lets start with this dude.. El Dorado.. Any of you remember this guy from the Justice League days of the 80s?
There's this guy Tarantula from the Marvel universe who is a bad guy in the Spiderman world, powers comparable to Spiderman but this dude had knives on him (Imagine that, a latino having a knife on his person) and a really thick accent. Im betting most of you dont ever remember this guy, do you get where Im going? Lets move on shall we?
Im gonna move on to probably the most well known Latino character (cause he's not really a hero) in Comics.
BANE! An absolute badass of a villian and I like the respect he gets that he's not all braun, he is on Batman's level intellectually. He is actually the main villian in Christopher Nolan's final chapter in the newly rebooted Batman series starring Cristian Bale. As long as we dont go back to Joel Schumacher's version of the character Ill be happy.
See though, that kinda makes my point. Take what I described above and then forget about it. Mr. Schumacher thought it was to unrealistic to have a latino villian who wasn't a complete buffoon and actually carry on a conversation with our hero George Clooney aka Batman.. Total disrespect..
Ive scanned the internet and the list of characters are so obscure and so random that its not even worth diving into further. It just seems like its a big joke.
See what I mean? This was a real dude..
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The world is a little less Macho..
I was at the gym on Friday and as I started my workout I saw on the TV screen that the Macho Man had died. I had my headphones on and I couldnt hear the whole story but I let out a "Oh man that sucks!" loud enough to make the ladies on the treadmills next to me glance my way.

Growing up as a kid this guy and many others were at the top of their game in their respective "sport". Now Ill admit, back then you couldnt tell me or my buddies anything negative about wrestling. I wasn't havin' it. I had to figure it out on my own. I do believe the day I realized it wasn't all I thought it was was the time Ravishing Rick Rude and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts had a match and I couldnt watch. Next day I figured Id get the results of who won in the sports section of the LA Times.. Wanna take a guess how that went??

Regardless, I watched for a few years and was taken by all the persona's involved. Sadly, I think ive devoted a few hours of my life recently researching where all these guys from the past have been and what they are doing now.
Andre the Giant as everyone knows is dead, but if you dig deeper in the late 80's early 90's wrestling pit you find out there are alot of these guys pushing up daisies.
Earthquake? Dead, died of bladder cancer.
Dino Bravo? Dead, died of 17 gun shots to the head. Apparently he screwed over the Canadien mob. Who knew Canadiens had a mob?
Mr. Perfect? Dead, died of a overdose.
Ravishing Rick Rude? Dead, died of heart failure due to drug overdose.
Bad News Brown? Dead, died of a heart attack.
Bam Bam Bigelow? Dead, lethal dose of Cocaine.
Big Boss Man? Dead, Heart attack.
Hercules? (This was the guy who had a name but always lost.) Dead, Heart attack.
Road Warrior Hawk? Dead, Heart attack, died in his sleep.
British Bulldog? Dead, Heart attack.
Yokozuna? Dead, take a wild guess.
It was funny cause I was talking to some buddies and they were like, "Isnt the Ultimate Warrior dead??" Negativo!! The UW cannot be killed by conventional means, if he has a heart attack he'll attack his heart right back and go off the top ropes on that thing! Then power slam it back into rhythm!! (Ironically enough thats the Macho Man he's about to destroy.)

Anyway, I was legitimately saddened by Randy's passing cause he was probably my favorite wrestler next to the Warrior. I loved the OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and his mannerisms and to this day if you can pull off a good impression of the Macho Man you're gonna get a laugh. I don't watch wrestling anymore and I mock those who are my age and do so but still, there was a time. Nowadays to me they all look alike, they all use their real names but come to find out, The Undertaker is still in the game!!! Wow, that guy is a machine.
I suppose him being gone and a bunch of the others is just another small part of my childhood tucked away forever.

Father time had certainly caught up with Randy and he like many other wrestlers before him just had that old ticker of his give out. Now he had his attack behind the wheel and he was dead before they hit that tree but I was thankful to know that no one else was hurt and his wife for the most part is ok. His will stated that he wanted to be cremated with no funeral and have his ashes spread around his favorite tree where he spread his dogs ashes years before. Not quite what you'd expect but thats what the guy wanted.
Maybe the preacher who predicted the end of the world was right, the rapture came and went like a thief in the night and claimed Macho Madness for heaven.. Heh..
Growing up as a kid this guy and many others were at the top of their game in their respective "sport". Now Ill admit, back then you couldnt tell me or my buddies anything negative about wrestling. I wasn't havin' it. I had to figure it out on my own. I do believe the day I realized it wasn't all I thought it was was the time Ravishing Rick Rude and Jake 'The Snake' Roberts had a match and I couldnt watch. Next day I figured Id get the results of who won in the sports section of the LA Times.. Wanna take a guess how that went??
Regardless, I watched for a few years and was taken by all the persona's involved. Sadly, I think ive devoted a few hours of my life recently researching where all these guys from the past have been and what they are doing now.
Andre the Giant as everyone knows is dead, but if you dig deeper in the late 80's early 90's wrestling pit you find out there are alot of these guys pushing up daisies.
Earthquake? Dead, died of bladder cancer.
Dino Bravo? Dead, died of 17 gun shots to the head. Apparently he screwed over the Canadien mob. Who knew Canadiens had a mob?
Mr. Perfect? Dead, died of a overdose.
Ravishing Rick Rude? Dead, died of heart failure due to drug overdose.
Bad News Brown? Dead, died of a heart attack.
Bam Bam Bigelow? Dead, lethal dose of Cocaine.
Big Boss Man? Dead, Heart attack.
Hercules? (This was the guy who had a name but always lost.) Dead, Heart attack.
Road Warrior Hawk? Dead, Heart attack, died in his sleep.
British Bulldog? Dead, Heart attack.
Yokozuna? Dead, take a wild guess.
It was funny cause I was talking to some buddies and they were like, "Isnt the Ultimate Warrior dead??" Negativo!! The UW cannot be killed by conventional means, if he has a heart attack he'll attack his heart right back and go off the top ropes on that thing! Then power slam it back into rhythm!! (Ironically enough thats the Macho Man he's about to destroy.)
Anyway, I was legitimately saddened by Randy's passing cause he was probably my favorite wrestler next to the Warrior. I loved the OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and his mannerisms and to this day if you can pull off a good impression of the Macho Man you're gonna get a laugh. I don't watch wrestling anymore and I mock those who are my age and do so but still, there was a time. Nowadays to me they all look alike, they all use their real names but come to find out, The Undertaker is still in the game!!! Wow, that guy is a machine.
I suppose him being gone and a bunch of the others is just another small part of my childhood tucked away forever.
Father time had certainly caught up with Randy and he like many other wrestlers before him just had that old ticker of his give out. Now he had his attack behind the wheel and he was dead before they hit that tree but I was thankful to know that no one else was hurt and his wife for the most part is ok. His will stated that he wanted to be cremated with no funeral and have his ashes spread around his favorite tree where he spread his dogs ashes years before. Not quite what you'd expect but thats what the guy wanted.
Maybe the preacher who predicted the end of the world was right, the rapture came and went like a thief in the night and claimed Macho Madness for heaven.. Heh..
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Get to the Choppa!!
Ahnold Ahnold Ahnold..

You sir have been a pop culture icon for decades. Bodybuilding Legend.. Action Movie Star.. Bad Politician.. And now Adulterer extraordinaire!! I have read the details and man, how you slept at night is amazing. This lady worked for Maria and Arnold for 20 years! Im just curious how all of a sudden he decided to come clean. I heard this maid would bring this kid over and play with the other kids back in the day. Did Maria notice a familiarity? Was he ripped and with a big gap between his teeth and dropped an occasional bad movie line every now and then?

Yes now comes the real hard part for him and he is going to get killed by the media, they may in fact try to terminate him.... HEH.. But ya know I give him props for manning up and saying leave my family alone, it was my bad and yes Im in the wrong. Thats not so easy for one with an ego as big as his. Personally I think its a european thing, they have a differently mentality when it comes to this sort of thing. Plus when you looked like this back in the day and had women galore throwing themselves at you, how do you not build up that sense of "I can have anyone and get away with whatever I want."?

I mean is that not ridiculous? When youre like this do you really think about anyone else? This takes a focus and a level of narcissism that cant be measured and not even a Kennedy could reel that in forever.
Im just glad he had a boy and not a girl with this woman..
Can you imagine?

You sir have been a pop culture icon for decades. Bodybuilding Legend.. Action Movie Star.. Bad Politician.. And now Adulterer extraordinaire!! I have read the details and man, how you slept at night is amazing. This lady worked for Maria and Arnold for 20 years! Im just curious how all of a sudden he decided to come clean. I heard this maid would bring this kid over and play with the other kids back in the day. Did Maria notice a familiarity? Was he ripped and with a big gap between his teeth and dropped an occasional bad movie line every now and then?
I can imagine the Schwarzenegger clanned gathered around singing songs in the governors mansion, the pitter patter of bastard children's feet up and down the hall..
What gets me is he kept this secret for over a decade and this Maid stayed quiet, I mean kept it on the down low so you know he was cuttin' her a fat check every month. A little hush money ya know.. So I imagine whether or not Maria was in the room, if her eyes weren't trained on him they would share a glance or a look and just smirk to themselves. Personally I see Arnold making this face every time Maria had her back to him and he made eye contact with said Staffer.. How was he not thinking "You Eeeeediot!"?
Yes now comes the real hard part for him and he is going to get killed by the media, they may in fact try to terminate him.... HEH.. But ya know I give him props for manning up and saying leave my family alone, it was my bad and yes Im in the wrong. Thats not so easy for one with an ego as big as his. Personally I think its a european thing, they have a differently mentality when it comes to this sort of thing. Plus when you looked like this back in the day and had women galore throwing themselves at you, how do you not build up that sense of "I can have anyone and get away with whatever I want."?
I mean is that not ridiculous? When youre like this do you really think about anyone else? This takes a focus and a level of narcissism that cant be measured and not even a Kennedy could reel that in forever.
Im just glad he had a boy and not a girl with this woman..
Can you imagine?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Historical pornography...
Have you been subjected to this? It was my unfortunate experience the other night to have to waste an hour of my life watching this historical telling of the Borgias family and their tale of how they came into power over the church during the renaissance. First and foremost I have zero interest in this but I was playing on my Ipad and someone else was in control of the TV. I swear every other scene it was the chamber maid doing this guy and some princess doing this other guy and then I had to have it broken down to me that so and so is betroved to her BUT his brother is nailing her on the side and then later on he kills him.. It went on and on like this.. Then Jeremy Iron starts messing with some broad and I had had enough.. "He's the Pope!!" I screamed, what kind of pope is this? "~And now.... I shall invade France..." Let your imagination soar on that one folks... VOMIT! I mean there was a scene where a couple went at it in a dining room hall decorated with the stuffed bodies of the Kings enemies.. I was like, Um yeah youre just gonna throw her on that table surrounded by decaying bodies and the obvious stink that comes with it? I was done, I told my wife to go grab my claritin cause I was having an allergy attack and I yelled "Make Haste Wench!"
This is another one that is out there.. So this one revolves around King Henry the VIII and his debauchery.. Im not gonna dive into this one to much other than its about all his affairs, his multiple wives and lovers, and the Catholic church... What is it with the Catholic church in these things?? Long story short, he dies of Syphilis.. SHOCKER!
Ok on this one, I actually wanted to watch this, hoping it would be like a 300/Gladiator type thing.. Ya know, blood and carnage and a overcoming insurmountable odds ordeal.. Two episodes into it I lost interest because again, every other scene was some wench getting railed by some dirty warrior...
To me all these shows have nothing interesting to say and the over saturation of gratuitous sex within dilutes any kind of story. In short, its softcore porn! I know I know, some of you may be saying, well David what's wrong with that? Nothing really if youre into that kind of stuff but does every show have to be revolved around it?
It just occured to me, wouldnt it be funny if they created an original series on the life of a porn star but it had NO SEX in it? It'd probably be due to her not being catholic..
Monday, April 18, 2011
A National Treasure...
Ahh where to begin! First let me say that I don't dislike Nicholas Cage... I dislike his last 15 movie choices but I dont dislike the guy.. So I read he got into a quarrel with his wife down in New Orleans and personally I think to much was made of it, some onlooker felt the need to play a hero and called the cops for nothing. How do I know it was nothing? I don't but seeing how she wasn't bruised anywhere, refused to press charges and was a former waitress til she pumped out Nick's kid. Im gonna go out on a limb and say it was just another man and wife having a little lover's spat.
If you're going to indict Nick Cage and bring him up on charges I suggest you book him on the following..
Exhibit: A your honor..
From the ridiculous script to the really bad hair piece, this movie was trash. I know of one person who actually liked this movie and its my friends wife.. Sorry Sammy.. Only good thing about this flick was the nicely tanned Eva Mendez..
I went in KNOWING this movie was gonna suck but I dont think its fair for me to fully criticize something I haven't seen or heard so I put myself through it. Usually movies of this nature put the audience through the torment of world anniliation only to redeem us all in the end with some off the wall sacrifice that gives all of humanity another chance.. NOPE! We all die in this one and a hand full of wacko children are saved and dumped on some other planet with an Adam and Eve metaphoric tree of life ending.. There, I just saved you two hours of your life.. You're welcome.
Ok show of hands, Who didnt DRIVE ANGRY all the way back home after this one?? Anyone? Anyone? Its pretty cool how all these bad movies and their titles lead into really easy one liners for me ain't it?
Ok... I can't say anything quick without getting pornographic but you get the picture. Not only is this movie about an assassin with a set of rules (I know, never been done before right? Can't believe Jason Statham didnt get this role.) But also it has the most ignorant name you can give a movie. If there were to be a sequel what would you call it? Tokyo Serious? Moscow Hideous? Los Angeles Hazardous? I rest my case.
I know these movie's are clever and make lots of money and I recently read that NT3 is underway but COME ON! How much shit could Ben Franklin and the rest of our sneaky fore fathers hide from us for centuries??? What's the tagline for this one gonna be? National Treasure 3: The search for more money..
Again, another bad toupee and an awful script.. I don't think Disney even tries anymore. They are running out of cartoon fairy tale characters to ruin so now they've moved on to live action abominations like this gem.
Now here's what I think happened, the studios saw the success of these films above and banked on similiar returns. WRONG.. I break it down for you Hollywood in order. Gone in 60 seconds was carried by the Cars. Pure and simple, much like the fast and furious movies that film was all about the cars. Face Off was more Travolta then anything, remember it was during his late 90s comeback spree when his popularity was at an all time high. Cage just went along for the ride. Same thing with The Rock, that was all Connery and Michael Bay and his loud explosions and gripping story... heh..
Call me a softy but my all time favorite Nick Cage movie is..
I used to ride my bike down a rural mountain road with my eyes closed and arms out stretched reaching for the sun all the time til I saw this movie.. Probably saved my life! Thanks Meg Ryan!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Im comin' with ya dad!!!
Now first off let me just say that my father is very much alive and so is my mother. I was just taking the time to think about that today and thinking about people I know that have passed on. Then it hit me! Whats my headstone gonna look like? What few words of enlightenment will be cast upon that marble slab. I mean I hope its Marble, those are nice. So call it morbid curiousity that I went out on the net and tried to find a picture of said headstone..

Ok so here's one of the few I found, at first I said I love my father dearly but do I wanna be placed side by side with him in the hereafter? I mean what if I can't find the remote or his favorite spoon? I gotta listen to him gripe at me throughout eternity?? No thanks.
Then I dug deeper, no pun intended and I found..

Not sure how I like this, the whole picture thing. Im picky about that sorta stuff and what if I dont like said picture, can I object at this point? No, I have to leave it in the hands of my surviving family whom I trust.. Sort of.
Nah I need something simpler but bold.. So I found..

Clear, concise, to the point! I even like the Font, its got a real Times Roman feel to it and thats always been my favorite, none of that Italic shit. Still its not quite perfect and Im real picky. So I checked around some more.
Ok.. Let me say this.

If my family springs for this and this alone Im haunting someone's house til the day they die! I mean really? Talk about forgettable.
Now this is more like it!

I prefer these because they obviously stand the test of time longer, they dont get caught up in overgrowing grass or weeds like place markers do. Not sure about the green lithograph in the middle but Ehhh to each his own.
Ive got plenty of time to think about this but for now I think Ill just stick to my original plan.. Just slap me into one of these and call it a day..

Ok so here's one of the few I found, at first I said I love my father dearly but do I wanna be placed side by side with him in the hereafter? I mean what if I can't find the remote or his favorite spoon? I gotta listen to him gripe at me throughout eternity?? No thanks.
Then I dug deeper, no pun intended and I found..
Not sure how I like this, the whole picture thing. Im picky about that sorta stuff and what if I dont like said picture, can I object at this point? No, I have to leave it in the hands of my surviving family whom I trust.. Sort of.
Nah I need something simpler but bold.. So I found..
Clear, concise, to the point! I even like the Font, its got a real Times Roman feel to it and thats always been my favorite, none of that Italic shit. Still its not quite perfect and Im real picky. So I checked around some more.
Ok.. Let me say this.
If my family springs for this and this alone Im haunting someone's house til the day they die! I mean really? Talk about forgettable.
Now this is more like it!
I prefer these because they obviously stand the test of time longer, they dont get caught up in overgrowing grass or weeds like place markers do. Not sure about the green lithograph in the middle but Ehhh to each his own.
Ive got plenty of time to think about this but for now I think Ill just stick to my original plan.. Just slap me into one of these and call it a day..
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