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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

But wait there's more! If you call now..

Call it a weakness, call it my own personal addiction but infomercials are and have been a huge weakness in my life.  Its been around for decades.  I think it started back when I was in Junior High and I saw a commercial for the 'Snackmaster' sandwich maker, I got sucked into this thing and my best friend and I talked my mother into buying it for us, we actually mimiced the sales pitch verbatim to my mother and I think it was out of laughter that my mother bought it for us.  We used it for a minute but it lost its luster soon after.

Then there's this bastard and the plethora of items he sells..  The knives (which I own), the set it and forget it(Which I own) and plenty of other things he pimps.  Even though I own the damn things I still watch the infomercials!  I cant help it!  The Miracle Blade really is the best knife youll ever own, I still have mine and its razor sharp, I can cut a piece of steel, some electrical cords and still slice a ripe tomato.. The blade never dulls ladies and gentlemen!  Do you see how Im programmed to know this??  ARGH! 

So now for my latest and greatest investment!
The Ninja Kitchen system!  It can do it all, Juicing, blending, make dough, crush ice and much much more, But wait if you call now they'll take off one of those payments of 29.95 and throw in the recipe book!  I bought this thing today and its on its way, I literally cannot wait!  Cristina let me buy it just so Ill stop making her watch the infomercial. 

Shamwow, got it.  Oxyclean, used it.  Simoniz Scratch repair pen, Used it.  Its weird though cause im your typical lazy American cause I watch the PX90 informercials too and we came close to buying it but thats a serious commitment and Im not sure Im ready to give all my "Fat clothes to my fat friends."  Maybe down the road ill commit to that PX90 but for now Ill take a different route.  Something about weight loss commercials, I dont wanna do the actual sweating part.  Heh..

Ya know to this day I still pine over Billy Mays being dead.  I mean, who is gonna convince me now that this product will be able to get every stain imaginible out of my clothes?  Who's gonna tell me about the special polymers that make all those scratches just go away?  Who's gonna sell me that mighty putty that could practically plug up hoover dam if needbe?  You're gone Billy but never forgotten!!

Sometimes I almost wish I had bad skin so Id have a reason to buy some Proactiv..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Don't Squeeze the Charmin!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, Ive settled into 2011 and lo and behold I have come across and new compelling series.  I gotta tell ya, if you ever think your life is messed up, just watch this show.  MY STRANGE ADDICTION.  Ok Case 1, This lady has an addiction of eating toilet paper.  So the show entails how she goes all day eating TP like shes eating Chips and Dip.  It was uncanny!  Ive never seen or heard anything like this!  Then I got to wondering, How many calories are in a roll of toilet paper?  This could be the new diet revolution!  Well, needless to say I think she eats more than just TP cause she was kind of large. 

  Then there was the other case where the other lady had an addiction of sleeping with her hair dryer on all night blowing on her hand.  I mean seriously?  You can't make this stuff up!  What a shocker, her husband left her.  HA!  Now what I found ironic about this lady was that her hair looked like shit.  Im just saying...  The episode tailed off saying TP Lady has cut back from 4 rolls to 2 a week.. Next thing you know the surgeon general will put warnings on the labels of Charmin saying pregnant women should not use this product and product may cause constipation.. Awesome!
So in short, The TP lady was heavy and the blow dryer lady had lousy hair.  Great addictions ladies! 

Next week its the girl who is addicted to eating laundry detergent.  My question is how is she alive?  Isnt that stuff poisonous??  I cant wait to see this episode!