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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not at the table Carlos..

Maybe its just me but I have a pretty big abundance of patience when it comes to my children but other peoples kids, yeah not so much..   So Im having lunch today with my boss and we are in this restaurant and there's a crying toddler that won't settle down no matter how hard his mother tries to calm him down.  Now he's at the age where he can scream but he can't talk.  So while his mothers back is towards me I make eye contact with the little bastard and mouth the words "SHUT UP!" to him and make a face at him and point my fork so he knows that I mean it.  He got wide eyed and shut right up then and there.  Now am I a bad guy?  I dont think so, in my opinion that lady should give me a thank you or something.  It just seems this happens to me all the time, the other day at Exxon while I'm getting gas this lady in a minivan is parked next to me with her window down and a screaming kid inside.  Again, she looks away I look inside and the kid looks at me and I make a threatening face and mouth silently SHUT UP and boom...  A calmness rushes over the child.  Then the mom says "Oh good girl..."  Good girl my ass, ya need to thank the big bald dude scaring your child into silence.  If I wasnt doing what I do, I think I could work in a daycare..


  1. Thats hilarious, David. I think it was Bernie Mac that said said if a kid is past 1 year old, its ok to hit him in the throat! Words to live by homey. And its ok, you can shout me out as the inspiration to your decision to blog...now let me plug myself: www.myhamburgerblog.com
    Miss you guys.

  2. Good call My Hamburger.

    Dave, when you open up your daddy daycare you should call it Hit-a-Throat. I'd take my kid there. It's not like they can tell on you with a bruised esophagus, I call that a win-win sir. Yeah I definitely feel you on when it comes to other folks kids. At my wife's baby shower I was 'volunteered' to watch the kids. A bunch of little grubby monkeys - all of them. Mine included. All I kept thinking was how easy this would be with stun gun.
