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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Its Oscar night!!!

Well its that time of year again where we the little people get told what movies are the best and who's performance's were worthy of gold statue glory!  I for one watch every year just to get tips on what obscure movies to put in my netflix queue for rainy day material.  I mean really, I dont know anyone who's seen 'The King's Speech.'  Ya ever notice theres always that one movie from the UK with an all UK cast directed by some dude from the UK that gets rave reviews but no one here in America can tell ya jack shit about it?  God Save the Queen!  Don't get me started...  Other than that this year is filled with quite a few actual WATCHABLE movies.  True Grit, Inception, Toy Story 3... etc.. Although Id like to say there is a glaring snub in the best supporting role area.  That Blackberry phone from BURIED with Ryan Reynolds definately should of been nominated.  I mean, it got reception six feet underground and the fact that he was on the phone, texting and uploading video to Youtube all inside a wooden box buried in Iraq somewhere while being buried is amazing.  Thats acting at its finest.  Long story, I watched it this weekend and was shocked that it was 90 minutes of this guy in a box.  No flashbacks, no breakaways to other characters elsewhere.  Nada.  Just him, buried with a blackberry.  Break out the jiffy pop folks!

Ill be honest, out of the 10 nominated best films, Ive seen two.  Inception and Social Network and that one was just recently.  I dunno, I think from all the hype and the fact that Natalie Portman is in it..  Black Swann will probably win.  Ive read enough Facebook postings and internet drivel to know that this movie struck home with a lot of people.  Its in my netflix queue so... yeah..  Best actor?  Again who knows?  Id like to say Jesse Eisenberg for his uncomfortable portrayal of super geek facebook god Mark Zuckerberg but my money is on Colin Firth from that UK movie no one has watched.  Maybe even Jeff Bridges again but I think his debacle that was Tron will cost him votes. 

Personally my favorite will be the Animated Feature film award.  Not because I care but because of the nominees.  Toy Story, How to train your dragon and some independent junk mail of a movie called The Illusionist.  You might as well have Toy Story up against some dude drawing stick figures using a flip book.  Its not even a contest.

My only problem I guess with tonight's show is the fact that James Franco and Anne Hathaway are hosting.  The academy cant find enough money to lure back Billy Crystal??  I suppose its better than Hugh Jackman last year.  I mean watching Wolverine sing and dance to show tunes made me cry inside.  It just wasnt right.  In conclusion I can honestly say that my favorite part of the award show is that 'In Memory' reel they do.  I like seeing who died and the fact that I can say "Never heard of em" to most of the recently departed. 

Ok, lets watch the run on speechs and the band strike up queing the winner to get the hell off the stage already..

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